Power Probe POWECT3000

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At Power Probe, we believe things should be simple. That’s why we design tools to make complex automotive technology accessible for the modern auto technician. As automotive technology continues to evolve, Power Probe will provide innovative Technology, Energy, and Knowledge solutions for technicians and consumers alike.

We designed the ECT3000 as a quick solution to your automotive circuit problems. The ECT3000 consists of 2 main components. An Intelligent transmitter and a Intelligent receiver along with a set of connection adapters that will help you :

Locate short circuits without unnecessarily removing plastic panels, molding, and carpet.

Trace wires to see where they lead

Find open circuits, switches or breaks in wires

Trace and locate the cause of a severe battery drain

Test and find intermittent conditions

Check continuity with the assistance of the Power Probe III, IV, or Hook

These features are extremely handy for the professional technician. An appropriate schematic or wiring diagram is always useful and many times necessary when tracing circuits. The better you understand your circuit, the better the ECT3000 can assist you.

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